Unique Custom Made Human Anatomy Posters
There are many human anatomy charts and human anatomy posters available, however, our research has revealed that most are dated with cluttered labelling, they are printed too small and we felt needed a more modern look. There is an over emphasis on cramming information without thought of how well that information is communicated. We decided to create our own custom human anatomy charts that were different, fun to learn from and ones that created an impact when placed on any clinical wall.
What Makes Our Human Anatomy Charts So Unique
We Create our Own Anatomy Charts
We are different to other anatomy chart suppliers because you will not see our charts sold anywhere else. We are not simply a distribution and sales team. We are medical artists and the anatomy charts are our own designs and include our own award winning medical illustrations!
We are trained medical artists and we create our own unique anatomy charts and yes, dare we say it, we think they are the best ones!
Our anatomy charts are developed first by choosing a useful anatomy or health related subject. We thoroughly research the subject matter, we gather reference materials and as we brainstorm ideas we sketch out our design plans for our posters. Once we have a design, we sketch out the unique anatomical illustrations to work within the design. Once we are happy, we complete with detailed anatomical illustrations ready for publishing.
Size Matters!
What is the point in buying a chart that is so small that you struggle to see the detail and read the labels. We decided to make our anatomy posters big, really big. If you were a child you could call them ‘life-size’ anatomy posters! They are actually around two thirds life size. The print size of our largest anatomy chart is 51 inches by 34 inches – 1300mm x 860mm. That means these posters are about EIGHTEEN times bigger than a sheet US letter or A4 piece of paper!
Clarity of Anatomy
Our images are hand drawn, painted in colour using a digital airbrush using a Wacom tablet, in a process that takes weeks to months. With artists trained in anatomy, the result is superb anatomical detail and clarity, so people looking at our posters can really see what they need to see. We have also labelled the anatomy, on our muscle anatomy poster there are over 100 different parts taking care not to clutter the illustration. This means that you can see, understand and learn what you need to very easily.
Modern & Visually Appealing
The modern easy to see and understand anatomy charts do not look out of place in the most high-tech clinical settings or in school labs or patient waiting areas. They make an impact and customers reviews have been great.
>> More details on the Human Skeleton Anatomy Chart
>> More details on the Human Muscle Anatomy Chart
New Range of Foetal Development and Pregnancy Anatomy Charts
Here’s what some of our customers are saying:
“These posters are so beautifully drawn that they attract students to them. They are helpful in stimulating discussion and launching both KS4 and KS5 lessons about human morphology and physiology. There is currently strong emphasis on exercise and fitness in our syllabus, so these posters are a welcome addition to our resources.
Every year we have gifted artists that also study biology and they are particularly interested in this use of artistic talent.”
Jane Price, Head of Biology, Newent Community School, Gloucestershire
“The posters from uAnatomy were a fantastic tool for our Personal Trainers to refer to when training clients. The posters are large enough to be a centre piece for our gym wall and a real focus point for our members to learn what muscle groups they can work to get definition and tone in different areas, the posters really helped bring the exercises to life. All of our members and Personal Trainers found them very educational and enjoy having something so detailed to refer to.”
Dave Webb, General Manager, Godalming Leisure Centre.
“Thank you for the posters, they arrived this week. They are on the wall of the science lab already, and the children love them and engaging with them already!”
Helen Fox, Teaching Assistant, Woolmerhill School, Surrey